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our promise to you

To leave no stone unturned in the pursuit of better health. You will have a smooth process to see a well-trained and prepared provider to work with you every step of the way.

we listen to you

This seems obvious, but in healthcare, personal attention isn’t the norm. We’re not the norm. We structure time to understand you and understand your condition. Your journey of how you got here is critical to our ability to coach you to the next steps. All of your sessions will be one-on-one with the physical therapist, not passed to support staff.

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WE apply science

Science has given us many fundamental rules of healing and movement. It’s common sense to apply these principles to your treatment plan. But, as we know, common sense is not so common. In our case, we can guide you to best practices in your recovery.

we measure

You can’t start down a path if you don’t know where you are. Let’s get a baseline and set goals to see progress. We use experience and cutting-edge technology to determine where to start and how to develop a path to success.

we deliver a plan

This is what you came for. You deserve to know what is going on in your body and what actions you can take to change it.

we measure

You can’t start down a path if you don’t know where you are. Let’s get a baseline and set goals to see progress. We use experience and cutting-edge technology to determine where to start and how to develop a path to success.

we deliver a plan

This is what you came for. You deserve to know what is going on in your body and what actions you can take to change it.

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Listen to Russ’ story about a Mr. Olympia Champion body builder. Is it important to press horizontally and vertically? Balance your training. KIMEcast S2 Ep.14
How many ways can you squat? Can you get ass to grass? The human body needs to move freely. Train to live in full expression not to work out in the gym. Listen to KIMEcast S2. Ep.14 for the Practical Approach to Training & Programming.
Are you programming with purpose? Do you program with progression in mind? Join the discussion. KIMEcast S2. Ep14
Is the CrossFit model good for you? Always bring it back to the “why”. What are you trying to accomplish in your training? Listen to Tony & Russ discuss this model and others in KIMEcast S2 Ep.14 Practical Approach to Training & Programming. #PhysicalTherapy #PT #FutureOfPT #PainManagement #SportsPT #MobilityMatters #HappyPatients #physiotherapy #fitness #physicaltherapist #physio #rehab #health #physiotherapist #rehabilitation #pt #backpain #wellness #mobility #exercise #chiropractic #pain
Are you exercising for body building or are exercising for life challenges? What’s the difference? Listen to KIMEcast S2 Ep.14 to find out. 

#PhysicalTherapy #PT #FutureOfPT #PainManagement #SportsPT #MobilityMatters #HappyPatients #physiotherapy #fitness #physicaltherapist #physio #rehab #health #physiotherapist #rehabilitation #pt #backpain #wellness #mobility #exercise #chiropractic #pain
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